Become an Esperanza de Guatemala PARTner!
Did you know that your giving can go even farther when you become an Esperanza PARTner?
Become an Esperanza PARTner today!
When you become an Esperanza Partner, you are not just a donor to our organization and mission. You are a committed and essential PART of Esperanza de Guatemala
a PART of improving educational opportunities in Nimasac,
a PART of developing economic independence in Nimasac
and a PART of making Nimasac a community where young and old alike may not just survive, but thrive!
​​Esperanza PARTners is a recurring giving program.
Giving regularly--weekly, monthly or annually--allows you to provide a consistent, year-round source of support, helping Esperanza more effectively plan projects and respond quickly to needs in Guatemala.
Additionally, it is easier for you to support your commitment by conveniently giving directly from your credit card or bank account.
It's easy and helpful!
Here's how to become an
Esperanza PARTner:
Click on “Donate”
Enter your gift amount
Select the donation frequency (monthly or annually), start date, and end date
Click “continue”
Enter donor information, and credit card or bank account information
Save profile and create a password – this enables you to change or stop a recurring donation at any time
Click “Process”
Thank you very much!
If you have any questions about online giving, please contact us at
or 919-467-8700 and ask for Barbara or email